Illustrator artboard icon
Illustrator artboard icon

illustrator artboard icon

With single clicking a new shape in your work area you get prompted for the exact measurements. Holding the SHIFT button while creating lets you create bi-symmetrical shapes or snap to 90 degrees. You create a new shape by LMB-clicking, and dragging the shape to its size of preference. Also the boxed text version gives a better control over the alignment of the text (left, right, middle).īy holding this button pressed for a short moment, you unfold the extra shapes. When copy pasting it is recommended to use the text-box, otherwise the pasted text will be formatted as a single line. The text tool allows you to create a text, by dragging a box you can create a text-box, with single clicking you create text without a box. The image below shows how you can use pen tool for making curves along the path Thus with this option it is possible to create a line which has smooth and straight segments.

illustrator artboard icon

With clicking, holding the LMB, and dragging it, you control the tangency (curvature) of the line. With single clicking new points you create new, straight, lines between those points. With the Pen tool it is possible to draw a shape based on (anchor) points. If you do not deselect before using this tool, you will not select the components, but the whole geometry. Be sure to unselect any object before using this tool. You can use this tool to select components of a geometry, these could be either points or lines. The selection will have the color corresponding with the layer it is currently in, the colored box around the selection is called the bounding box. You deselect by clicking anywhere where it is empty in your workarea or spaceboard. Since this is an introduction to Illustator, we will only cover the basic tools.īy clicking on objects with this tool, you select these items for further use (like transform or changing colors). In the toolbox (most commonly found on the left side of the screen), you will find all the tools necessary to start your first Illustrator drawing. Using the navigator window using the slider, the mountain icons or a exact % value."ALT + ScrollUp" to zoom in, "ALT + ScrollDown to zoom out"."CTRL +" to zoom in, "CTRL -" to zoom out.There are several ways to zoom in your document, which are: Dragging the red box in the navigator window.Scroll-wheel, to move your view up or down."SPACE + LMB", to move in every direction.There are several ways to pan in your document, which are: Panning is the movement of the current view sideways or up and down. Obviously it is up to the user to find out which method he or she prefers. See below for a list of ways to navigate in your document. Navigation in your document is the same as in a lot of other Adobe programs. When wanted to go back to the original Illustrator window configuration go to WINDOW > WORKSPACE >. Depending on whatever window you want to use you can open or close as many as you want. Other handy tool-windows are the Type (text) and the Transform window.


Other windows can be found under the window menu. When loaded, Illustrator only has a couple of windows on the right side of the screen. Basically your workspace is unlimited, so it is allowed to draw art outside the artboard, but everything that is outside it will not be exported or printed. Your general layout consists of your toolbar on the left, your palettes (options and tools) on the right, and your artboard in the middle. For more information on customizing workspace, visit here The appearance of the workspace can be customized according to the user.

illustrator artboard icon

The Adobe Creative Suite (CS) 6 allows an interactive interface with numerous options around the workspace. When wanting to print something on a printer at the faculty of Architecture it is recommended to use RGB, since the available printers are optimized for RGB color printing. Printing RGB images on a CMYK printer or vice versa may result in unwanted color changes. RGB is based on the colors red, green and blue, whilst CMYK is based on Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (black). The main difference between the two is the way it makes colors. When creating a new Illustrator file, one is prompted with the option to chose for either CMYK or RGB as color mode. This page uses abbreviations for the mouse buttons:

Illustrator artboard icon